Remain in My Love... Jn 15:10

We are born with a mission. The mission begins in our life. Changing, rather transforming, ourselves to what God wants of us in Christ Jesus, His Son, will lead into many changes and transformations in the world we live in. Start this change, start your mission now!

My apologies in taking time to finish this contact page up; I do not have yet the resources and personnel to manage this page.

Be blessed and happy always!

Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions: 

This website,, is not associated or an extension of any specific church or parish. Although, we profess the Catholic faith and confess our love for the Mother Church, whatever we say here cannot be taken as Her position in relation to the issues/topics that are discussed in this site. Some materials in the RESOURCES PAGE may be used by a specific parish or faith community, or be linked by other private owned websites, permission is granted, but this website,, is independent on its own and will not take any responsibility beyond this site. The use of the materials from our site,, is with the responsibility of those who want to use them. The visitor may choose to leave anytime or if he/she continues to browse on, read, and navigate through the pages, and other activities for one’s benefits and purposes, is presumed in consent to the privacy policy, terms and conditions, of this site. Our materials in the RESOURCES PAGE, such as Articles, Videos, Retreats and some others, are of the Author-Owner. Citations are acknowledged to their rightful authors.

Our REFERENCES PAGE links to other websites for materials concerning our Catholic faith, the Sacred Scriptures, Church teachings and documents, Catechesis, prayers, and other religious-faith based materials. All outside materials are acknowledged and never stolen from their rightful owners. Whoever uses the links from the materials cited or used in our website,, has the responsibility for accessing them. They may choose to access or not the links used here. These other websites, or owners of YouTube videos, linked here have their own privacy policies, the visitor or user of our site has the responsibility in relation to them.

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We are still in a state of building our site. Some parts are still unfinished.

We want the safety of everyone and the safety as well of ourselves with our website. Our website hopes that whoever visits here benefits from its contents, and may be blessed by God for whose glory and honor we all intend to serve. This privacy policy, terms and conditions, are published and last updated: June 26, 2018