...So I Send You...

Be willing to be sent to fill the earth with God's love and to set aflame the hearts of all in faith


Welcome to faithexpressions.org!

Enjoy your visit and the use of whatever maybe of benefit to you in our website; take your time, we are grateful that you have come. May the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit bless your daily life’s endeavors while striving to grow also in your faith and love of God, as we all do. Kindly pray also for our ministry in this part of the Vineyard of the Lord. Thank you and God bless!

Rev. Jose Pelagio A. Padit, STD.

A quote from the Letter: (no form of media communication can replace personal participation) “…these broadcasts alone risk distancing us from a personal and intimate encounter with the incarnate God who gave himself to us not in a virtual way, but really,…. This physical contact with the Lord is vital, indispensable, irreplaceable. Once the concrete measures… can be taken …, it is necessary that all resume their place in the assembly of brothers and sisters, …”

Link: CardSarah FullTextLetter

Click the link above, or to -> PDF file of the full text of the letter of His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah to all Bishops and the faithful exhorting everyone to return to in-person attendance of the Holy Mass

The title of the letter:

“Let Us Return to the Eucharist with Joy”

Another quote:

“As soon as is possible, however, we must return to the Eucharist with a purified heart, with a renewed amazement, with an increased desire to meet the Lord, to be with him, to receive him…”

Nurture Your Faith

Click on picture: it leads you to our RESOURCES Page. Renew the flame of the faith in you!

Know More Your Faith

Click on picture: leads to our REFERENCES Page to benefit from Catholic materials linked to well known sources faithful to the Magisterium of the Church.

Live Celebrate Share

Click on picture: leads to MINISTRIES Page; find news and stories of peoples celebrating the faith.


            The Lord Jesus said: As the Father has sent me, so I send you (Jn. 20:21); our ministry is a humble response to this divine mandate. You and I are SENT to bring the joys and the hopes that we have in our faith in Christ Jesus to everyone around us. This being SENT becomes our mandate, and so we strive to:

SUPPORT brethren in the Catholic Faith…

ENCOURAGE anyone who are journeying in the Christian faith and would like to grow more in it…

NURTURE the flame of faith in anyone searching for God with the grace of the Holy Spirit at work in their lives in ways known or unknown to them…

TRANSMIT the Truths of the Christian faith in season or out of season in today’s world…

            May we let our hearts be attentive to the Lord’s Voice, our minds be attuned to the insights of the Holy Spirit, so that our lives may be pleasing to God the Father at all times!


Click the ICON above for more about us.

The Sacred Scriptures inspires, guides, and blesses life’s daily living. Would you let God’s Words be distant from your daily routine?

Daily Scripture Reading

Click the links below to the items of interest in my RESOURCES PAGE


CLICK to our ARTICLES page. I have been a contributor to "Philippines News Today" a free weekly paper in California among the Filipino Communities. They are Spirituality and Faith based articles.


CLICK to our VIDEO page. We feature videos that are helps to our daily Christian life. From there you can connect also to our YouTube Channel.


CLICK to our RETREAT page. Benefit by using some guides for personal prayer and reflection.



To Whom: The intended addressee or audience would be the Catholics of all Rites, Christians in further search of Christian teachings, and anyone of goodwill who are in their personal pursuit of the Divine as the Divine is always beaconing the world to Himself.

Our Venture’s Aim: The hope and joy of our endeavor is to be of Support and Encouragement to anyone who would visit and use the resources and references offered here, so that they can Nurture their own faith living and grow in their spiritual life, in order to be able to Transmit also to others their lessons learned by the way they live and behave.

Our Story: The Lord Jesus said: “… Proclaim the Gospel to every creature…(Mk. 16:15)” and another place He also said: “I came to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing (Lk. 12:49).” These statements and the whole Sacred Scriptures with the Holy Traditions in our Catholic Faith has given the Owner and Administrator of this Website the reason to pursue the work of spreading Jesus Christ’s Gospel, His Life and Teachings, to others both in here, in the Virtual World, and out there, in the Actual World. I have been writing an Article in the free weekly papers for the filipino community in California: The “Philippines News Today,” for more than a decade now. In my other parish assignments, I also promote the use of this contemporary medium of communication to share the joy of the faith. Now, having our own website is a leap of faith into the Cyber World and be able also here contribute to the realization of what our Lord Jesus taught in the Lord’s Prayer: “… Thy Kingdom come…” Our Christian mission, which this website venture would like to respond to, is to unite heaven to earth, and lead earth to heaven beginning with our own lives – well informed minds; well formed hearts; well behaved Christians. It has been quite some time now that friends and acquaintances have been encouraging me to launch a website and YouTube channel. So, in this past year, we have our YouTube channel – FAITH EXPRESSIONS, and now here, our website carries the same name. We continue to implore the graces and protection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the inspiration and guidance of God Holy Spirit, and the perpetual intercession of the Mother of God and our Mother too, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Credentials/Qualifications: 1.The faith and love of God in Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit. Love for the Mother Church. 2.Doctor of Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy: Licentiate was in Soteriology, and Doctorate in Spiritual Theology. Bachelor’s and Licentiate Degrees in Theology were obtained from the the same Pontifical University. 3.The continued willingness to be informed and be formed.

"he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire (Mt. 3:11)"

Enjoy the life with God!

Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions: 

This website, faithexpressions.org, is not associated or an extension of any specific church or parish. Although, we profess the Catholic faith and confess our love for the Mother Church, whatever we say here cannot be taken as Her position in relation to the issues/topics that are discussed in this site. Some materials in the RESOURCES PAGE may be used by a specific parish or faith community, or be linked by other private owned websites, permission is granted, but this website, faithexpressions.org, is independent on its own and will not take any responsibility beyond this site. The use of the materials from our site, faithexpressions.org, is with the responsibility of those who want to use them. The visitor may choose to leave anytime or if he/she continues to browse on, read, and navigate through the pages, and other activities for one’s benefits and purposes, is presumed in consent to the privacy policy, terms and conditions, of this site. Our materials in the RESOURCES PAGE, such as Articles, Videos, Retreats and some others, are of the Author-Owner. Citations are acknowledged to their rightful authors.

Our REFERENCES PAGE links to other websites for materials concerning our Catholic faith, the Sacred Scriptures, Church teachings and documents, Catechesis, prayers, and other religious-faith based materials. All outside materials are acknowledged and never stolen from their rightful owners. Whoever uses the links from the materials cited or used in our website, faithexpressions.org, has the responsibility for accessing them. They may choose to access or not the links used here. These other websites, or owners of YouTube videos, linked here have their own privacy policies, the visitor or user of our site has the responsibility in relation to them.

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We are still in a state of building our site. Some parts are still unfinished.

We want the safety of everyone and the safety as well of ourselves with our website. Our website hopes that whoever visits here benefits from its contents, and may be blessed by God for whose glory and honor we all intend to serve. This privacy policy, terms and conditions, are published and last updated: June 26, 2018