Rejoice in the Lord always! (Phil. 4:4)

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About This Page: We like that you continue to enjoy going through our contents. We believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the life of the Church and in the lives of believers. So too, He grants enumerable graces to those who strive to live in righteousness and share the lessons of faith to others kindling in our world the Divine Light of the presence of God. You and I, dear visitor, have this grace and mission. Let it be our joy to transmit what we believe, for sharing our faith is sharing God. Enjoy the use of our RESOURCES page which leads you to our Videos, Articles, and Retreat pages!

Click VIDEOS and it leads you to our YouTube Channel

Click ARTICLES and it leads you to the Articles published in Philippine News Today, a weekly paper in Northern California. I have been a Columnist for a decade now. 

Click RETREATS and it leads to our retreat page where you can follow guides to have a self-guided retreat or quality time with Lord. Check it out!

Daily Bible Reading

"One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God (Mt. 4:4)."

Articles in Philippines Today

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The Lord Jesus said: “Come away by yourselves and rest awhile (Mk. 6:31).”

It is important to give time to care for one’s well-being both physically and spiritually. Especially in matters of the soul, our relationship with The Divine, we need some quality time to energize and renew our friendship with the Lord. Hence, our RETREAT page has some suggested GUIDES how to spend moments for reflection and prayer. Check it out to learn more! (Another way to go to the RETREAT page click the title bar above)  

“But He would withdraw to deserted places to pray (Lk. 5:16).”

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God gifted us with theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. It is our responsibility to nurture and make them fruitful in good deeds and holiness of life. May our RESOURCES here, our Videos for example, can be of some help in your own journey to know, to love and serve the Lord daily. Please pray for our ministry here and subscribe to our YouTube Channel. God bless!

Composed Prayers

Prayer To Be Kind in Words:

Lord Jesus, You are The Kind Word of the Father to us: When You speak You console the downtrodden, You empower the weak, You calm the storm, and You heal a wounded soul. Deign Good Jesus, that I may learn the way You speak, the manner of expressing my message, and the tone of voice every time I speak. May I refrain from using bad words, angry words, prideful words, and words that the evil one likes. Let me use my power to speak only to say the truth and to proclaim the godly, so that the world around may know that kindness and kind words from me are but reflections of You in me, The Kind and Gentle Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Lent:

Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for giving us Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. I became Your child because of Him. May I live the season of Lent devoutly, do the acts of penance joyfully, and seek holiness in all the little and big things that I do and encounter daily. I intend to do Your Holy Will, but help me in my weakness. I want to fight fiercely the evil one with all its deceptions by the help of Your grace. Never let me be separated from You. Grant this through Your Son, Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit, Lord God be the honor and glory. Amen.

Prayer to Our Lady of Dolors during Lenten Season:

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Sorrows, Your Divine Son gave You to us on the Cross. Deign accept the humble gift of ourselves to accompany You in this season of the Paschal Mystery of Your Son. With the merits of Your Seven Dolors, Assist us in all our troubles and trials. Pray that we may not waver in faith and trust in God during our moments of suffering and pain. Implore Your Son to transform our sorrows into merits for our sanctification. And when we are besiege with temptations, hold our hands that we may never fall. With Your motherly mantle protect us from Satan’s attacks and its cohorts. Lady of Dolors, You are also The Cause of our Joy, may Our Lenten Journey be beneficial for us in this life and the life to come. Amen

Daily Prayer to St. Joseph:

Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Savior and of the Virgin Mary, your life is of righteousness, obedience, and humility. Inspire me daily to live these virtues. Pray for my endeavors. Protect me from the evil one. And when my last  day comes, usher me to the embrace of the Heavenly Father. Amen.

Pilgrim’s Personal Prayer in preparation for the Camino

(or during the Camino)

by Fr. Joepel, as he will make the Camino de Santiago too.

           Lord Jesus Christ, I am to embark a journey as a pilgrim in the Way of St. James de Compostela. Open my heart and mind that I may profoundly experience Your love, mercy, and presence. Bless me with a prayerful disposition during the entire journey. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, make me be devout in my prayers along the way and for always. Bestow insights into my reflections so that I may learn the lessons You have been trying to teach me along my life’s journey until now. Make me appreciate deeper the sense of pilgrimage as my Catholic faith teaches. Deliver me from all forms of distractions that I may more attune myself to your presence. As I walk to the shrine of Your Apostle, send my guardian angel and legion of angels to protect me from the evil one and from all harm.

         Lord Jesus, refresh my soul with the beauty of Your creation as I walk along the Camino. Let me learn lessons of life from other pilgrims as You may also teach them through my words and actions. Let me unburden myself of all rubbish that clutter in my heart and mind, in order to launch anew my life after my pilgrimage. As I attend the celebration of the Sacraments in the holy place dedicated to Your Apostle St. James, renew in me Your divine life and power, so that I face the world again with fortitude, perseverance, unwavering faith, and trust in Your love. Lastly, engrave in me that life is also a continued pilgrimage to Your heavenly kingdom, as I strive to live a life ever pleasing to You, where You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen. St. James, pray for me.